Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Molly and sledding

What do you mean, we are going sledding

I thought it would be so  much fun to take Molly sledding. It is pretty hard trying to get her on the sled, take a picture and showing her how much fun sledding could be.   

I told you NO! I am not getting on that thing. It just isn't normal.

I was surprised at how fast she could move. By the time the camera got to my face she was gone. Then it was going to be starting all over again, but Molly changed my mind.  She pretty well runs my life, but sometimes that isn't all bad. At least I know I am still living and her love is unconditional.

Catch me if you want, but no I am not going.

In the end Molly got her way. That is a treat for trying and a nice warm house to curl up in. 

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