Saturday, January 29, 2011

Meet my Grandparents

This is a wedding picture of my parental grandparents married in 1913.
  I really feel sorry for my grandchildren that they never got to meet my grandpa and grandma. Grandpa was a gentle, quiet man and as I grew older I realized he had a wonderful sense of humor. His birthday was July the 4th and each year he would bring us some fireworks. Little did I realize that it was because it helped him celebrate his birthday and he loved fireworks. He would stand very straight with his hands clasped behind him and instruct us on how to put a can over the firecracker and then stand back and watch it blow the can in the air.
   Grandma on the other hand was anything but quiet.  She ran things and that included grandpa. She managed the money and gave him two dollars a week to spend on coffee breaks. He worked at the Montgomery Ward store on Broadway Avenue.
  They lived in Denver and when my brother and I would go spend the week with them she took us everywhere. Now that I am older I marvel at the things she did with us. The time she took us to the Capitol  building and she went with us up many flights of stairs to get to the top. The view of Denver was great, but I wonder now how she was able to climb all those stairs.
  They drove a 1948 blue "bathtub" shaped Nash car, and to top it off it had a huge sun viser and it was stick shift. When grandma would stop for a red light we knew what would happen next. When that light turned green she roarer the motor, popped the clutch and we jerked all the way through the intersection.
  The weekends would be spent driving in the Rocky mountains and viewing the sites. Grandpa would drive then and my brother and I knew he had to be driving really fast. How did we know that? Because around every curve the tires would squeal and this didn't happen if my dad would be driving. Later Dad told us that this was because he used Montgomery Store tires.
  When we would get ready for the mountain trips my brother and I would race to the car because we didn't want to sit behind Grandpa. In those days there was no air conditioning so the windows would have to be rolled down. The problem with that was that Grandpa chewed shoal and he would spit it out the window and yes, you guessed it, it would come right back into our faces.
  Still they were the best grandparents!!
  I am glad that my life had made of so many good memories. When you get older it is the memories that give you that warm fuzzy feeling.


1 comment:

  1. Margaret,
    I really enjoyed reading your story. I hope you post many more. Great job!!
